Did you know that your own home can be just as dangerous as snow and ice when it comes to slips and falls? We can all have falls, but every year in Canada, 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 will have a fall and commonly suffer injuries to their hips, shoulders, wrists and pelvis. You may be surprised to learn that most of those falls can happen right in your own home.
Ask any senior, one of the most common fears they have in their golden years is the loss of
independence. It’s often a fall that sets in motion a cascade of events which decreases confidence and challenges their ability to maintain independent living. You may ask, why are falls more prevalent in people over the age of 65? It is mostly due to a combination of factors including decreases in muscle mass, declining strength, less flexibility and loss of balance. Together, these factors make it harder to perform daily tasks. No matter what age, we can all have falls and the effects can be long lasting. On the upside, here are just a few tips that can help you reduce your risk of falls by making your home safer and your body stronger.
Reduce clutter: it’s a great time to clear stairways, hallways and remove loose rugs than can easily trigger a trip or a slip
Slow down: it’s too easy for all of us to get careless when we are rushing around.
Wear supportive footwear: slippers or indoor shoes with non slip soles can make a big difference and give you sure footing
Exercise and Stretch regularly: join a class or even do a small workout in the comfort of your own home. The key is to improve your strength and your overall balance and coordination. If you do lose your balance, stronger muscles can help you correct your positioning and prevent a fall.
Have your medications evaluated by either your MD or Pharmacist. Sometimes prescription medications, when taken in combination, can have different side effects on your balance or coordination.
Have your hearing and eyesight checked annually as both these senses can alsaffect your balance.
Most importantly, be sure to have your strength and balance checked. Poor balance and lack of mobility increase your risk of falling. Simple daily exercises can help maintain your mobility and improve your balance. There are a variety of exercises that can target both at the same time.
So, don’t let falls get you down. Visit a chiropractor or a qualified health practitioner to evaluate your strength, balance and mobility. These professionals can provide you with some simple tips to enjoy better mobility and reduce the risk of falls in your own home.